The Books » Biggles and the Black Raider

Biggles and the Black Raider

Biggles and the Black Raider
Subtitle Another adventure of Air-Detective Bigglesworth and his Air Police
Published1953 - Hodder & Stoughton [H/B]
Reprints Children's Book Club
Hodder & Stoughton
Armada Books
17 Images Online
  • Currently 1.21/5
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Biggles and his Air Police take on an urgent assignment in central Africa. A Zulu warrior, who calls himself "The Black Elephant", has been terrorising the villages, stealing and murdering wherever he goes.

But how to find him? He carries out his raids so quickly and quietly that even biggles and his friends are at a loss to know how to catch him.

Before "The Black Elephant" can be brought to justice, Biggles meets many thrilling adventures amongst the dark, mysterious shadows of deepest Africa.

goodreads summary

Central Africa is being plagued by attacks by an African man called Cetezulu and known as 'The Black Elephant'. Air Commodore Raymond sends Biggles and Co. to use their aeroplanes in the hunt to find him.

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